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Guns, Glory, and More

Posted Date: 10/01/2024

Guns, Glory, and More

Supt. Blog- October 2024

Hudson Parents:

The fall season has officially arrived! I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love the months of October and November. For some of us, we long for the cooler days and changing of the foliage, while others look forward to the upcoming holidays. As you know, this is Texas and sometimes, we can see four seasonal patterns in the same week or even the same day! I’m so grateful for the seasonal patterns that God has created for us to enjoy. And while we are in East Texas, the mention of seasons causes people to think of deer season, duck season, etc. Whatever season you are excited about, I hope it’s a good one!

As we are about to embark on hunting seasons, I’d like to just remind (mainly our HS parents) that this is when we really need to remind our students of the severe consequences of having a firearm on school property. Every couple of years, we have a student or two who comes to school forgetting that a shotgun or rifle is still in their vehicle. Federal law prohibits any student from having a firearm on campus property even in their vehicle. I’m old enough to remember a time when if we bought a new rifle or shotgun, the principal would want to come to our truck and take a look at our new purchase. Usually, it was in a gun rack in the back window. Boy, we don’t see those anymore. Times have definitely changed. With school shootings that we never heard about years ago, there seems to be very little ‘wiggle room’ regarding the severity of consequences for violating federal and state laws. If you or your child is unsure of the legality of certain items, please reach out to us. It is always better to ask first than have to beg forgiveness later. Each year, I get a question as to whether it is permissible for a student to have their bow and arrows in their vehicle. The answer is yes, at the present time, there is no issue with a student having a bow and arrows in their possession in their vehicle. That answer may change if the item is being used on campus though. Some schools do not allow this, so it is imperative to know the rules and regulations set by each district. I personally plan to meet with all of our HS hunters who drive to campus and have a discussion with them in hopes that they are well-educated on specific issues.

And…while we are talking about seasons, the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 states, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;” A new season is on the horizon, I am publicly announcing my intent to retire as superintendent after this year. Having served in public education for what will be 32 years, it has been such a pleasure and joy. Three of those years were served in Jasper ISD prior to a career move to Hudson ISD, so I’ve been here an extensive time. Moving here was the greatest decision I made in my choice to remain in education; Hudson is such a great place. With a degree in physics and mathematics, my plan was to become an engineer but I was asked by my former HS physics teacher to come home and take on his teaching role with physics, AP physics, and math. I accepted that challenge because I owed it to him. He and other teachers were so inspiring to me…the main reasons for my enrollment into the university system as a kid with no immediate family college experience. While I thought my education career might be short-lived, God had other plans, and to Him, I give the glory. In my nearly 30 years at Hudson, I have served as a HS teacher, HS assistant principal, HS principal, and asst. superintendent, and I'm currently in my eighth year as superintendent.

Didn’t I already say that Hudson is a great place? Let me tell you, the ‘grass isn’t always greener over there.’ Hudson is a special district!!! Holistically, you will not find a more caring, loving, and supportive group of teachers, counselors, administrators, staff, and school board. Our students, parents, and community are amazing.

Over the next several months, our school board will work diligently to seek out the next leader for Hudson ISD. This is a significantly lengthy process.  Help me pray for their wisdom to make decisions that are best for this district and community. I am committed to ‘the best year ever’ and a smooth transition of a new leader for next year. My discussion with the board regarding my intentions were early on, ensuring that they have the time needed for such a search and that I was not seeking ‘greener grass’. Soon, people will notice board agenda language that will obviously indicate that change is coming, so I wanted to share with this great community what is going on. Communication is key in all aspects of the school system.

I’m looking forward to a new season…a new chapter in my life. I was ‘adopted’ by this district in ’97 and I’ll always be a Hornet. May God bless you and continue to bless this wonderful district. I love you all.

Okay…now that ‘the cat is out of the bag’, have a wonderful remainder of October. Good luck to all of my fellow hunters this season. Make sure you and your kids email me a pic of those hunting memories this season. As always, I can be reached via email at


Again, God bless.

Donny Webb, Superintendent