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May - A Mixed Bag

Posted Date: 05/22/2024

May - A Mixed Bag

Superintendent’s Blog-

A Mixed Bag

May 2024


As we are now at the close of the school year, this final blog of 2023-2024 is best described as a farrago, gallimaufry, mélange, mingle-mangle, omnium-gatherum, ragbag…or just simply a hodgepodge. No specific topic is addressed, but just a confused mixture of topics to toss out.

First, it has been a great year of success for our students. As you have attended many recent end-of-year celebrations and award ceremonies, you should be impressed with the accomplishments of our student body. Great things are happening in your local school district, and we are proud of our kiddos. They are amazing and we love them all.

High School Graduation is Saturday, May 25, 2024, at the Stephen F. Austin State University Coliseum. While the program officially begins at 7:00 PM, please be there early for seating. Please be aware that there is much road construction leading into Nacogdoches, so a little extra travel time is probably a good idea. While graduation is a celebration, it is also a solemn event. As names are quickly announced, we cordially ask that while you applaud your graduate, please be respectful to ensure that the next graduate’s name is not disrupted by continuous noise. While we are there to honor our graduates, we also ask that you not be dismissed until after the graduates have left the floor area.

After the semester has come to a close, we will be reviewing data from the recent poll regarding cell phone usage in the school. As some changes will likely be made, we will communicate this information to you while sharing our findings of the study.

Monthly blogs will resume in the fall semester. I do hope that these have been helpful and enlightening. Some have jokingly asked who writes my blogs…well, I do. They seem to think that my linguistic skills are rather limited. The truth is ‘nobody never learned me how to speak good’, but I do try to write in a manner that is more appropriate. Some of you that know me well, just chuckled. It’s okay; I admit to my ‘bilingualism’, and I’m not easily offended. Anyway, please do not hesitate to send me ideas that you would like addressed. Knowing what content to discuss is the hardest part of writing.

Lastly, I just want to thank each of you for your continued support of this wonderful district. Hudson ISD is a very special and unique environment. We are not just another ‘public’ school that you hear about in the worldly news. There are some rather interesting things happening out there and sadly, the news media seems to pose them as common among all schools. We will never be perfect, but we do strive to prepare your children for the betterment of our society. We have great staff members…the best staff members. The greatest gift we can give each other is some encouragement. Please reach out to at least one of the team members as this year ends and thank them for their service to this community. It’s a gift that costs nothing, yet it is more valuable than any tangible item.

May God bless each of you this summer. We wish you a happy and relaxing couple of months. May you all be refreshed and ready for 2024-2025. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Donny Webb, Superintendent

Hudson ISD