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Health Services Department

Teri McClung, RN<br> Director of Health Services
Teri McClung, RN
Director of Health Services
Stephanie Durham, RN<br> MS & HS Campuses
Stephanie Durham, RN
MS & HS Campuses
Yalonda Thompson, RN<Br> Bonner Elementary
Yalonda Thompson, RN
Bonner Elementary
Lindsey Temple, RN<br>Peavy Primary
Lindsey Temple, RN
Peavy Primary
Cassie Penn, RN<br> District Compliance Nurse
Cassie Penn, RN
District Compliance Nurse

School Health Services Mission Statement: 

The Hudson ISD nursing staff believes that the ability for students to learn is directly related to the status of their health.  Students with unmet health needs will have a difficult time engaging in the educational process. Hudson ISD understands this and provides a licensed health professional on every campus with the goal of promoting optimum health for all students and staff.  

School Nurse Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Maintain health records of all students – this includes:
    • Immunizations – maintain and document student vaccination history and compliance to reflect state requirements
    • Health Screenings –  Vision, Hearing, and Scoliosis screenings which are mandated by the state of Texas
    • Health History – this includes medical conditions diagnosed by a physician or primary caregiver, surgical procedures, current medications (given at home as well as school), allergies (seasonal, drug, food, and especially, life-threatening), as well as any other pertinent health information about your child that will allow us to provide appropriate and specific care of our students.
  • Assess and treat illness or injury – From minor issues like scraped knees, tummy aches, headaches, sore throats, etc, to major ones, like severe allergic reactions, a broken bone, or possible concussion – we will respond and implement accordingly.
  • Monitor & treat chronic health conditions –asthma, diabetes, seizure disorders, severe allergies, etc. requires information and order from the primary care provider and will be monitored and treated as per directed by physician and/or primary care provider.
  • Administer medication- See our Medication Administration Policy below
  • Monitor illness “outbreaks” – If several students are diagnosed with a communicable illness. You will be notified via email or texts in order to heighten your awareness of symptoms. 
  • Hearing and vision screenings – Students' hearing and vision are screened routinely. However, screenings can be performed at any time for any student if a parent or teacher expresses concern.
  • “Emotional band-aids” – Sometimes a child is sad, homesick, or overwhelmed in class and just needs some TLC! A little one-on-one attention with a patient and a willing ear is often all it takes to help a child rejoin the classroom. Our Peavy and Bonner Nurses will work closely with the counselors and teachers to ensure your child is happy and safe at school! Often frequent visits to the Nurses Office become a concern and a counselor and/or principal may be notified in order to address other issues like anxiety, stress, or the overall wellbeing of the student.

HISD Health Services Policies


    Medication Administration Policy:

    Parents and/or Guardians, in order to comply with the Texas Education Agency's recommendations School Board Policy FFAC (LOCAL) & (LEGAL), the below procedures will be followed for the administration of medication to a student.

    1. Only those school personnel authorized by the Superintendent may administer medication to students.
    2. Authorized school personnel may administer BOTH prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medications in accordance with local district policy FFAC.
    3. Prescription medication must be properly labeled and in the original container. A proper prescription label contains the following information: Student's name, date, physician's name, physician's directions for administration, and name and strength of the medication.
    4. All student medication prescribed by a physician must be accompanied by a signed and dated note from a parent or guardian requesting the medication be given at school.
    5. Over-the-counter medication provided by the parent may be administered to the student upon a parent's written request when properly labeled and in the original container.
    6. Over-the-counter medications (see list below) provided by the District may be administered only by authorized school personnel and in accordance with the District’s Medical Advisor’s standing order. See Hudson ISD Board Policy FFAC (Local).
    7. A list of all medications provided by the District is included below. Parents are given an opportunity upon online registration to consent to the administration of each nonprescription medication, individually.    

    Students are not allowed to carry and self-administer prescription or over-the-counter medications at school.

    Texas State law allows the student to carry and self-administer prescription medication for asthma while on school property or at a school-related event, if prescribed by a doctor. The parents must complete appropriate forms located on the Hudson ISD Health Services website. The student must demonstrate to the physician and school nurse their ability to use the prescribed medication including any device required to administer the medication. If your child has unique medical conditions, or any other condition, such as a food allergy that requires virtually immediate administration of medications under specified conditions, please contact the School Nurse, who will schedule a meeting of appropriate personnel to ensure that your child’s needs are met. In accordance with a student’s individual health plan for management of diabetes, a student with diabetes will be permitted to possess and use monitoring, treatment supplies and equipment while at school or at a school-related activity. See the school nurse or principal for information. 

  • OTC MEDICATION LIST (Allowed by the District’s Medical Advisor if age appropriate):

     Oral Medication:                                                              Topical Medication:

    *Aleve                                                                                  *Bactine Spray:

    *Pepto-Bismol                                                                  *Rubbing Alcohol (91%):

    *Benadryl (oral or topical)                                             *Sting Kill:

    *Claritin:                                                                               *Triple Antibiotic (Neosporin):

    *Tums:                                                                                  *Hydro-cortisone Cream:

    *Tylenol:                                                                               *Hydrogen Peroxide:

    *Zyrtec:                                                                                *Hibiclens (Anti-Microbial wound wash)

    Emergency Medication Authorization

    * Oxygen:

    *Epi-Pen or Epi-Pen Jr (Auto injector)

  • Please note in the Student Handbook (link provided below), pages 45-50:

    • Student Health Concerns
    • Student Illness or Injury at School/Medicines
    • Administering Medicine at School
    • Medical Attention/Food Allergy
    • Immunizations
    • Bacterial Meningitis
    • Pediculosis (commonly referred to as head lice)

    Hudson Independent School District 2021-2022 Student Handbook (




    Bringing a child to school with the below symptoms puts other children and school staff members at risk of becoming ill. This information is offered so that we may improve the general health of all members of our school community.

    Remember that these are guidelines only.

    Appearance, Behavior: If your child is unusually tired, pale or lacks appetite, these may be precursors to illness. These are sufficient reasons to keep your child at home.

    Diagnosed Contagious Illness: Students may return to class 24 hours after starting an antibiotic or as otherwise directed by their physician.

    Diarrhea: A child who experiences 2 or more watery stools in a 24 hour period, especially if combined with poor appearance or nausea should remain home.

    Ear Infections without Fever: A child does NOT need to be excluded from school, but should be evaluated by your healthcare provider.

    Eyes: If your child exhibits any mucus or pus draining from the eye, this may be a sign of conjunctivitis (pink eye), a contagious illness. Please keep your child at home and see your healthcare provider. He/She may return to school after they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours and are approved by an HCW (healthcare worker) to do so. 

    Fever: Oral temperature equal to or higher than 100.0 degrees (before taking medication such as Tylenol or Advil). Please keep your child at home until they are fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT medicine.

    Lice/Scabies: A child infected may not return to school until they have been treated and are free of lice. Examination by the nurse is required before re-entering school. Children with scabies may be re-admitted after treatment. Documented proof of treatment by your healthcare provider is required.

    Nasal Discharge and/or Chronic Cough: A child exhibiting these symptoms should be seen by your healthcare provider. These conditions may be contagious and require treatment.

    Rash: If your child exhibits a body rash, especially with fever or itching, he/she should remain at home and be assessed by your healthcare provider. Heat rashes and allergic reactions are not contagious. These children may attend school.

    Sore Throat: A child with a sore throat, fever and/or swollen glands should remain home. Contact your healthcare provider.

    Symptoms of a Contagious Illness: Students exhibiting symptoms of a contagious illness should be evaluated by their physician. They may return to school as directed by the physician.

    Vomiting: A child who has vomited 2 or more times in a 24 hour period should remain at home.

    The below link is the 2021 Communicable Disease Chart by the state of Texas:

    2021 Communicable Disease